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Official Meatbagz Decree #345

Here’s To Our (Little) Homies


Even though this has always been a two broad operation, Meatbagz has never been just the two of us. The days in the kitchen (which morphed into the days at the workshop) may have been filled with tunes and laughter, but they were also filled with three of our littlest fans: our (littlest) kids.

As impossible as it is to believe, those little ones are headed to kindergarten in a week, and we’ll be left to our own devices in the Meatbagz workshop. No more peanut butter sandwich lunch breaks, no more Hot Wheels racing around Barbies, and no more battle royales over who’s turn it is to draw on the chalkboard. Instead, their days will be filled with real-life school and ours will be a lot calmer and a lot quieter (aside from the tunes and the laughter, that is).

So here’s to our little homies. While we’ll probably be a lot more productive while you’re off learning all there is to know, we will definitely be a little lonely without you. We’re sure we’ll get used to it, but know that your mamas will miss you. After all, you’ve been a part of the Meatbagz crew from the beginning, and who knows where we would have ended up without your sage advice? (Our favorite: “Don’t do more cows. Cows are dumb today.”)

We love you, kiddos. Now go out there, rock that kindergarten class, and we’ll have some peanut butter sandwiches ready to go for your October break!

Thursday Shout Out: Back To School Cool

It’s true-back to school time is upon us. Whether your kiddo (or you!) have already started or you’re watching the days fly by until September, there’s still time to get yourself prepared. Lucky for you, we’ve got a solid collection of crafters who can help us all out.

Mini Cards Lunchbox Notes by TwoPaperAddicts. $3. Young or old, your favorite girl will smile when she sees one of these beautiful notes tucked in her lunch. Granted, she’ll probably hide it from her friends in embarrassment and roll her eyes at you when she gets off the bus, but still-you know she loves it. What better way to let her know that you’re thinking of her, even while she’s away stuffing her brains with all sorts of important information? She’ll never admit it, but it will make her day.

Back to School iPad Cover by Botene. $32.99. As much as it pains us to admit it, we realize that kids these days are more likely to haul around an iPad than a bag full of books. Sigh. But if we’re forced to embrace technology, we’re going to wrap it in handmade goodness-and this gorgeous cover from Botene fits the bill. Padded and lined with velvet, this will keep you looking stylish, your iPad safe, and yeah, we guess we have to admit it-you’ll be pretty smart, too.

Vintage School Poster “Always Do Your Best” by vintagegoodness. $11.95. How many times have you heard it? Mom always said, “Just do your best, and that’s all that matters.” Well, we’ve finally figured out she was right, so it just figures that this awesome vintage print from 1959 is around to remind us when she’s not. Whether you want it for your classroom, your home, or your office, the simple graphics and awesome sentiment will keep you doing your best-and that’s what matters.

Back to School Shirt for the Ultra Cool Kid-Kindergarten Rocks by Revolution46R46. $16. Scary but true: we have three (count them three) kids headed to kindergarten in a few short weeks-and they’ll all be in the same class! Obviously, as the offspring of the Meatbagz Broads, they are required to represent-and we’ve found the shirt to make sure they do. This T is seriously rockin’, and cool enough for even the most hesitant kid to get excited about. Look out kindergarten, here come the Meatbagz kids! Don’t say you haven’t been warned!

Official Meatbagz Decree #1

The Greatest Thing On Earth.

In case you haven’t heard-Wait, who are we kidding? Of course you’ve heard!-we’re having a sale, right this very second. 20% off everything in the shop….a super sweet deal, if you ask us. But what you may not know is that we have some new bagz in the shop as well. Could it get any better? Probably not, which is why we’re proclaiming this THE GREATEST THING ON EARTH. You may have a few better candidates for that title, but in any case, we’re very pleased to introduce a few of our new favorites (which are ready to become yours). Check ’em out!

This Awesometown Extra Large Backpack had us at hello, and even though we tried to fight it, it has made us backpack converts. Think of it as the backpack version of our Weekender-so roomy you can fit anything you’ll ever need into it, so stylish you’ll be the envy of everyone you come across, and so perfect you’ll wonder what you ever did without it. And at $50 (minus that handy sale we were just talking about) you really can’t afford not to have this bag.

We can’t lie-we were pretty pleased with ourselves when we came up with this new design for these great vintage Czech bags. Pete Seeger, his banjo, and just letting the world know that you’ve got your own song to sing are all happy things, and this bag is just the cherry on top. $40, peeps. Grab ’em now, because they won’t last long.

Another day, another new design, and another new bag. Score across the board! Vintage typewriter keys spelling out “BE TRUE” across a splash of black makes a strong statement on this vintage bag. Not too big and not too small, it will get you where you’re going while making sure you won’t get lost along the way. $35.

Meanwhile, we have other new bagz in the shop, so be sure to stop by and check them all out!

Thursday Shout Out: Thank You For Being Our Friend

We happen to be insanely lucky-we have the extreme good fortune to know a solid number of talented folks who inspire us, make our jaws drop at their awesomeness, and otherwise make us happy to know them. And even better news, some of them even have Etsy shops, so you can get to know them too. So today’s Shout Out is all about people we know, and people we think you should know too.

Clay bird by REvolutionMadeByHand. $10. What can we say? Our friend Jeromy happens to be a regular old Renaissance man. He sculpts, he photographs, he sews, he paints, he designs…the list could go on. But one of our favorites from his shop right now is none other than this sweet little red bird. Forget the bluebird of happiness, put this little clay songster on your desk, a shelf, or anywhere else you’ll look when you’re in need of a smile. This birdy will deliver.

Cranberry Brown and Red Leather Watch with Rivet Detailing by malamoosebeadery. $40. Bethany of Malamoose Beadery has a way with watches. What could be a throwaway accessory turns into a piece of art in her hands-and, if you’re lucky, on your wrist. We love the thick and thin leather straps on her Cranberry watch, not to mention the rivet detailing and beautiful touch of color. It is simple and yet makes a big statement…which, really, is pretty darn impressive.

Bean’s Big Bag in Sea Leaves and Slate Dots by thetinybean. $45. Listen, we know bags. And when we saw this beauty in our friend Kristi’s shop, we knew we liked what we saw. Generously sized to lug around what you need but stylish enough to keep you from feeling like a pack mule, this bag will be your BBF (best bag forever, in case you were wondering). Pinky swear.

Large Yellow Porcelain Serving Bowl by LittleGoatsPlay. $40. Do you know what’s awesome about Anna? Well, pretty much everything, really, but we were thinking more specifically of how her absolutely stunning pottery reminds us of learning to bake with our Grandmas. They always had the most beautiful, functional, and simple pottery-sturdy enough for every day but so pretty sitting on the table for Christmas dinner. Anna’s serving bowl, with it’s graceful, organic lines and soft yellow glaze would fit right in at Gram’s farmhouse table…and that’s pretty much the highest compliment we can give.

Official Meatbagz Decree #64

Sale, Sale, SALE!!

We couldn’t wait until our usual blogging day tomorrow, so we’re doing it today! That’s right, folks, we’re having a SALE in the shop! 20% off of EVERYTHING-back to school bound or not!-so take advantage with the coupon code 2COOL. Just enter the code at check out and watch the savings roll on in.

Ah, aren’t sales wonderful things?

Hey Now, Zucchini!

Okay, so we’re not quite back up and running with our regular blogging schedule, so we’re afraid we won’t have a Thursday Shout Out quite yet, folks. Why? Well, because between Newport and now, we’ve been busy getting ready for the awesometown West Stockbridge Zucchini Festival, which is this very weekend!

Yup, we’re headed to one of our favorite fairs, where there’s plenty of good humor, zucchini based costumes, and fun galore. The Meatbagz booth will be up and running-look for us in a new spot, in the middle of the main drag!-and we can’t wait to see some of you there!

Official Meatbagz Decree #34