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Doctor Meatbagz Cure for Creative Non Motivation

Do you suffer from creative non motivation?  Do you find yourself sitting in your workspace staring at the wall?  Have the everyday stresses of life bottle-necked your brain, causing it to stop any creative flow?

Well look no further folks!  Doctor Meatbagz Cure for Creative Non Motivation is here to help!  Through careful research and experimentation we have come up with a guaranteed formula to get that creative mojo flowing again!

It’s super easy and for a limited time we are offering it to you FREE OF CHARGE!  Simply follow these few easy steps..

Step 1:  Add a couple of cups of this (or an equal caffeinated equivalent NOTE: do not OVER caffeinate as this can cause adverse effects)

Step 1a:  Or a couple of cups of this  (again, do not OVER do it-see above)

Step 2: A generous helping of these

Step 3:  A heavy dash of this to your taste (be careful this is when all of that backed up creativity starts to gush forward)

Step 4: Combine the following ingredients until mixed well and add to the above

And you are finished!

Watch out world,  (insert name here) is back in the saddle again and ready to knock your socks off!

About meatbagz totes

Mackenzie is an award winning pie maker, a fast driver, and a screen printing mastermind. Kate is a designer, occasional neat freak, and tea drinking madwoman. They both believe in the power of good karma, air banding as a valid form of exercise, and that getting your hands dirty is a good way to keep your soul clean. Together they make up Team Meatbagz.

2 responses »

  1. when did axl rose join the meatbagz team?


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